In a World of Endless Possibility…Why Pauley Shore?

I understand the need for content producers and distributors to do whatever it takes to grab eyeballs.  It’s a crowded, noisy marketplace and the web certainly rewards pushing the boundaries but if “professional” content producers and distributors really want to stand out they need to do a little better than RipeTV’s latest offering… Pauley Shore reporting in all earnestness on the LDS polygamists in Texas.

Come on! If you’re really going to invest money in joining the thousands already beating this story into submission at least bring something substantial to the table.  Why would anyone waste time in their life finding out what Pauley Shore’s unique take is on this situation?

This whole thing just supports my feeling that simply producing content that would never make it out of day one on TV is not going to be a path to success on the web.  As an example of how it should be done take a look at what ViceTV has been doing with their truly down-n-dirty travel show.

(via NewTeeVee)

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One response to “In a World of Endless Possibility…Why Pauley Shore?

  1. shakazulah

    so stoopid you took the time to write about it, instead of some sort of helpful, informative blog.

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