Tag Archives: tuition

Begging for College Funds, UGC-Style

There is a quick note over on AdRants about the latest UGC campaign:

“Step on over to Upromise’s Tuition Tales (great name) for a glimpse at videos created by students seeking $25,000 to cover college costs. Over the past 12 weeks, a field of hundreds has been narrowed to ten finalist. The winner will be chosen by public vote.”

Something has gone terribly wrong in this country when kids are posting videos explaining why they should be the ones given money to go to college so that the “general public” can pick their favorite.

Maybe this is how all college admissions should work – let the YouTube public decide who deserves to go to school and have it paid for.  That way, we can keep out those kids who just aren’t ready for life in the digital age.

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