Viral Video – a guide

WillVideoForFood has posted a viral video cheat sheet.  I’m not sure he’s really talking about “viral” video but about how brands can create a distribute video online.  I like #3:

“Step 3: Let go. Your marketing message is critical to you, but if your content is driven by an advertising objective it’s at risk of being a flop. If you want to go viral, you’ve got to entertain first and promote subtly. There are countless case studies on this, and it’s an inarguable fact. If you buy media, your ads can be boring. But if you expect people to share your video, it better be entertaining, provocative, sexy, funny, outrageous or at least interesting.”

Read the whole thing here.


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3 responses to “Viral Video – a guide

  1. Thanks for the shout out> 🙂

  2. mymediamusings

    my pleasure. keep up the good work!

  3. thanks for turning me on to nalts. good stuff.

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